Our Home

              One of the reasons I wanted to start blogging was to document the countless renovations we've been doing to our first home. When I say "we", I mean mostly Brad...I help where I can, but my expertise and know-how is fairly limited. If there's one thing I've learned throughout this ongoing process, it's that there is NO limit to what my talented handyman can do.  With a little youtube action, some educational reading and a few questions asked to the right people, there is NO telling what new skill my hubby will bring home.
We bought our 40+ year old rancher in June of 2009 and all 2400 square feet were in serious need of an overhaul. OK, so I'm exaggerating...it was relatively livable when we bought it, save for the main upstairs bathroom and a death trap of a staircase...but we had high hopes of making our first home our own, and when you get the renovation itch, you just can't help but scratch it! So to quench your curiousity, here's the nitty gritty of our home renovations thus far!

...pictures and ramblings coming soon...sorry...