Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello 2011

Or as I will now refer to it..."twent-e-leven"! (as there is no other cool way to pronounce the year without getting tongue-tied...I said it for the first time yesterday and thought, "wow! what a mouthful!" Think about it...twen-ty-e-lev-en, that's alot of syllables! twenty-eleven, twenty-eleven, twenty-eleven, say that five times fast! Those of you who liked saying "oh-ten" last year can sleep easy, I've thought of a shortened version for this year as well...enter "oh-leven". You can thank me later! ;)

For serious though...2010 was a pretty good year in the younger Unger household. We didn't do anything crazy like go on a fancy vacation on a whim, or buy another house, or donate our bodies to scientific research when we pass on...but 2010 definitely didn't leave us without its memorable highlights. To name a few...

1. Finding out someone attempted to kick down our shop door (thankfully without luck, however unthankfully weakening our deadbolt and doorframe so that we Brad had to build reinforcement for the door and ponder the idea of an alarm)
2. The startling realisation that we had a squatter living next door in the charred carcass of a drug house that unsuccessfully burnt down on Halloween, 2009. (possibly the culprit of highlight #1?)
3. Vacationing in Kelowna and starring in a Doc Walker live video concert special on the beach! And by starring, I mean watching from the mob of people in the audience. However I did catch the special on TV and you can spot Brad and I in the crowd pretty much a starring role...I'm thinking of including it in my resume anyhow...;)
4. And the one that took up most of our free time: Renovating almost our entire main floor in true Brad and Gen know what that means, rip out and redo everything!! I'll post about that once I get all the pictures organized (and we install the baseboard/window casings maybe...)

Now to look forward to the many adventures that twentyleven will bring! And what would a new years post be without a list of my resolutions:

1. Take more pictures. We bought an amazing digital SLR camera when we got married to document our new life together, and so far, it hasn't been used to its full potential by either of us. This is a very sad fact. I think back to all the crazy random things we've done, or just the great times spent with friends or family, and that's all I have...the memories in my head. I hope to glue the camera to my hand this year and learn how to use it properly, as well as test my skills at photo editing. If you'd like to help me with this resolution, feel free to yell "hey where's your camera!" if you see me with my hands empty of said camera. You can't miss it, it's black, and big, and has a lens cover.

2. Learn to cook, and enjoy it. This might come as a shock to some of you, but I consider myself to be an oh-so, so-so cook, mostly because I do not enjoy cooking. I absolutely love to bake, but thinking up meal plans and making meals has never been a thrill for me. Quite often, after spending a couple hours preparing dinner, the constant smells of cooking make me so sick I don't even want to eat what I've made after all is said and done, even if it does taste good. (Maybe I have food aversion?!) In any case, I would be perfectly content to eat cereal for every meal if given the option.(namely Froot Loops, however I have been known to succumb to the temptations of plain Rice Krispies or Honey Nut Cheerios from time to time. PS you did read right, I said plain Rice Krispies, as in, no sugar. I also enjoy warm pop, but that's another story)
Thankfully Brad is not picky when it comes to food. None the less, I wouldn't feel right about feeding him a bowl of cereal after a long day at work, nor would our bodies rejoice at the level of nutrition received from a diet of pure sugar...And finally, our parenting abilities might be questioned when our future children bring baggies of cereal to school everyday for lunch, rather than sandwiches made from PB&J and a mothers love. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm a terrible cook, (I can make PB&J for those wondering) and I can follow recipes just fine. My problem lies in picking recipes that will taste good, and then fixing the epic fail that sometimes results, I don't cook well on the fly.
So my plan of action around this problem: Form a collection of good recipes (as in, previously tasted by moi or coming from a highly reliable source, or at the very least containing a pretty delicious looking picture) and have at 'er. Maybe I'll even blog about my successes and "wah,wah wah"s.
Hopefully the result will be a slightly less boring version of Julie and Julia. (sorry if you enjoyed that movie...I for one, was not a fan...)

3. DRINK MORE WATER! I'm terrible for this.

These are my three main goals for the year. I have about a million more, but every year I think about resolutions and set goals I always set too many and the perfectionist inside me implodes a little when I can't accomplish them. So as to avoid that same disaster this year, I'll limit myself to three main ones. Hopefully having told other people about them will help keep me motivated. :) Let's see how this goes!

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